Page 2 - Solar Solutions Brochure
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Soil Solutions provides important solutions to achieve maximum
                       Soil Solutions provides important solutions to achieve maximum
                       Soil Solutions provides important solutions to achieve maximum
                       power output and reduce maintenance for Solar Power Plants –
                       power output and reduce maintenance for Solar Power Plants –
                       power output and reduce maintenance for Solar Power Plants –

                                       Ground Erosion
                                       Ground Erosion
                                       Ground Erosion
                                      Ground Erosion Is a process caused by water and wind that occurs naturally
                                      and can have a deleterious effect on a Solar Energy Plant as a loss of topsoil
                                      can lead to reshaping of the ground and create channels, holes and slopes in
                                      earth  causing  racking  and  subsequent  loss  of  optimum  power  generation.
                                      Erosion can also lead to flooding and equipment damage.

                                       Racking Erosion
                                       Racking Erosion
                                       Racking Erosion
                                   Racking causes structural degradation and can alter proper water and wind flow
                                 which will require urgent costly maintenance – as racking moves, panels are moved
                               from their optimal positioning resulting in a loss of energy generation.

       Solution: EBS Soil StabilizerEBS Soil StabilizerEBS Soil Stabilizer
      Treatment of the ground and access pathways within the Solar Plants with EBS Soil Stabilizer will perform
      for five or more years with only one application protecting the entire area against erosion.

      Clean Panels
      Clean Panels
      Clean Panels
     Dust coating solar panels is the single largest factor preventing them from operating at their maximum capacity –
     the absorption of sunlight on the surface of a panel reduces the amount of light reaching the cells causing
     a reduction in the peak power generated as studies have proven.

     Dust prevention is essential to keep the surface of the Solar Panels Dust Free ensuring high
     performance and maximum efficiency, an extremely important factor due to the high cost
     and short lifespan.

      Solution: Surface Treatment of EBS Soil Stabilizer EBS Soil Stabilizer Solution: Surface Treatment of EBS Soil Stabilizer
      Solution: Surface Treatment of

      Treating the solar farm and surrounding area with a topical EBS Soil Stabilizer
      Surface Seal and treating all access roads, servitudes and pathways with EBS
      will allow for a Dust Free area, treating the surrounds will significantly reduce
      fugitive  dust  resulting  in  improved  performance  of  the  solar  panels  whilst
      simultaneously increasing their life span.

       Contact us for how our solutions involving Impact Compaction, Geogrid Solutions
       and hydroseeding will benefit your Solar Energy Plant.
       Soil Solutions provides V
       Soil Solutions provides Value Engineered Solutions® for Utility Scale Solar Energy Projects alue Engineered Solutions® for Utility Scale Solar Energy Projects
       Soil Solutions provides Value Engineered Solutions® for Utility Scale Solar Energy Projects
       that require large areas for solar radiation collection which massively impact the environment of the
       that require large areas for solar radiation collection which massively impact the environment of the
       that require large areas for solar radiation collection which massively impact the environment of the
                                    surrounding areas of these projects during construction and operation.
                                    surrounding areas of these projects during construction and operation.
                                    surrounding areas of these projects during construction and operation.
      S O I L S O L U T I O N SO I L S O L U T I O N SO I L S O L U T I O N S
      S S                   ® ® ®
      Consider it Solved.  |
     All content, product names, logos, and images are protected by copyright and trademark registration @2002-2016
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