About the Syama Mine

Syama Mine is located in the South of Mali, West Africa 300km Southeast of the Capital of Bamako and 30km from the Cote d’Ivoire border.
While on site upgrading the airstrip a decision was taken to further observe the performance of the EBS Soil Stabilizer supplied by Soil Solutions under road traffic rather than air traffic. The access road from the main gate to the entrance of the camp was selected for the application of an EBS Surface Seal.
Syama Mine Access Road Surface Seal
The Syama mine access road was prepared using a grader to skim the surface to remove any loose debris and to crown the surface for proper drainage. Once prepared the access road was surface sealed using multiple coats of the EBS Soil Stabilizer.
The EBS Surface Seal will preserve and protect the road surface from erosion, the formation of any undulations in surface (including potholes, corrugation and rutting), provide improved skid and rolling resistance, eliminate dust and provide a safer working and more pleasant working environment.