Our Intelligent Military solutions for the military sector address the challenges with Runways, Helipads, Air Space & Communications Security
![Intelligent Miltary Solutions Logo](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Intelligent-Miltary-Solutions-Logo.png)
- Runways, and Helipads
- Air Space and Perimeter Security
- Access monitoring
- Communications
- Improved mobility and connectivity of operations and transport
- Decreased vehicle and aircraft maintenance
- Improved border and Perimeter Roads and boundaries
- Camps and Training areas
- Permanent and Temporary Roads
Our sand stabilization methods resolve the numerous challenges presented by migrating and blowing sand on runways in arid locations.
No challenge is too big, contact us with how we can assist.
Incorporating Soil Solutions products and services into the operations at your military base will ensure:
- Reduced threat of dust-related casualties during military operations
- Improved mobility in theatre of operations and in transport
- Improved Security and Communication Network
- Prevention of brown-out conditions during helicopter landings
- Improved support manoeuvres and operational efficiency
- Enhanced visibility along lines-of-communication and in base camps
- Decreased vehicle and aircraft maintenance
- Reduced threat of FOD related incidents
- Improved surface conditions of roads, helipads and airstrips
- Reduced logistical footprint with regard to equipment and machinery
- Effective Border and Perimeter Control and monitoring
Military Applications for Airstrips/Runways
Soil Solutions has developed new and innovative technologies through ongoing research and testing that have resulted in unsurpassed methodology for the construction, improvement and upgrading of gravel airports/runways that are essential in providing a solution for the military in overcoming demanding operational conditions.
![airstrip military aircraft m-ID-3](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/airstrip-military-aircraft-m-ID-3.jpg)
Soil Solutions Intelligent Airstrip Solutions make us the leading provider of advanced combined technologies that allow for cost-effective and sustainable Value Engineered Solutions®, construction, and upgrades to Military Airstrips.
Using the highly effective EBS Soil Stabilizer developed specifically by Soil Solutions for stabilizing and surface sealing of Military Airstrips will ensure a surface that is UV and weather-resistant, protected from erosion, safer and will allow for a dust-free surface making it highly visible to approaching aircraft while providing a non-slippery surface for wet conditions.
The unequalled performance of EBS on a Military Airstrip will result in a long-lasting surface that will require less maintenance, no dust, and the prevention of damage to aircraft by making FOD highly visible. The improved skid resistance characteristics of the EBS surface seal has been proven to increase aircraft acceleration and reducing costly maintenance to expensive military aircraft.
See here for more EBS Soil Stabilizer information | See here for more information on Airstrips and view the Kahama Airstrip video in the middle of the page and also view the Introduction to Intelligent Airstrip video located under the intelligent Airstrips tab.
Military Applications for Helipads
Soil Solutions provides cost effective and Value Engineered Solutions® for the construction and upgrade of military helipads.
![EBS Engineered Base Stabilizer](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/EBS-Engineered-Base-Stabilizer-logo-400x150-300x113.png)
![Military Applications for Helipads Military Applications for Helipads](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Helipads-2-ID-7.jpg)
![Durasolution Dust Control for Plant Areas](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Durasolution-logo-400x150-300x113.png)
![Military Applications for Helipads Military Applications for Helipads](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Helipads-1-ID-5.jpg)
Soil Solutions delivers real solutions that are cost effective and easy to implement that address the challenges of Helicopter use in remote military areas.
Depending upon if the requirement is for a long-term solution or a temporary situation – we provide the products that will counter dangerous Brownout conditions created by rotary-wing aircraft operations that cause zero visibility conditions that can result in serious accidents often accompanied with loss of life in the course of sustained military operations and assigned missions throughout the World.
It is important to note that helicopters hovering over areas where there is loose dirt or gravel can damage the rotors and propel FOD onto runways and taxiways creating hazardous conditions, the incorporation of EBS Soil Stabilizer or Durasolution depending upon the material and situation will eliminate costly damage and unsafe operating conditions.
An EBS or Durasolution treated helipad will last longer and perform better while providing the following characteristics:
- Improved Pilot Visibility enabling safer landings with clear visibility of vehicles and other hazardous objects.
- Increased Visibility of FOD effecting safer landings and eliminating damage to aircraft.
- Upgraded Landing Surface to the highest quality and longest lasting surface with reduced maintenance and elimination of soil erosion.
- Reduced Aircraft / Chopper Maintenance – increased life of air filters and rotor blades resulting in increased flying hours as well as protecting sophisticated avionics from damage.
Military Roads
Any interruption due to poor quality of roads or the rapid deterioration of road surfaces will have a negative effect in the rapid deployment of personnel and equipment, which in turn will impact the ability of military personnel to effectively conduct combat operations. Military Roads are an essential component of any military operation where large quantities of material need to be transported along lines-of-communication to the operational frontlines to FOB’s.
Soil Solutions provides innovative tailor made solutions for military roads with a product range that includes:
Military Camps
![Military Base Camp](https://www.soilsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Military-camps.jpg)
Soil Solutions offers Value Engineered Solutions® for soil stabilization and dust mitigation for Military Camps for the following areas:
- Camp and Perimeter Surrounds
- Borders or Perimeters
- Embankments
- Shooting and Practice Ranges