Lake Turkana Wind Power Project News
The Lake Turkana Wind Power Project in Kenya, spanning over 240 km, is the largest wind farm on the continent as well as the largest private investment in the country and will supply approximately 14% of the country’s electricity. Soil Solutions has the privilege of being involved in this monumental project with the construction and sealing of the road network critical to the project and the surrounding areas.
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View our video of the LTWP road upgrades that were done LTWP team overseen by Soil Solutions.
Our Role in the LTWP Project
Soil Solutions conducted a site assessment and then developed a long term cost-effective sustainable solution that will protect the initial capital infrastructure investment and allow for a much-improved road network while reducing required future maintenance. This includes the integration of Engineered Base Stabilizer (EBS) to stabilize and surface seal the road sections.

Dust protection for the turbines by the prevention of fugitive and windblown dust generated by heavy equipment operation. Incorporating the use of Soil Solutions products and services into the construction and operation of your wind turbine farm will ensure:
- Perimeter, Access, Internal and service roads that are free from dust, corrugation, potholes, rutting, and erosion.
- Reduced Maintenance.
- Reduced environmental impact on the surrounding area and community.
- Significantly reduced water usage.
The Results…
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