Radio Control Race Track Video - Al Ain Sports Complex Remote Control Car Racing track surface treatment & seal 75 truck loads of clay type material were brought in and compacted then treated with an EBS Surface Seal to preserve and protect the racing surface and preventRead more →
Cost and Benefits Video - Water & Co2 Reduction Soil Solutions® - Cost & Benefits - Water and Co2 Reduction in gravel road maintenance and construction. Watch Video...Read more →
Bamburi Cement Video - Dust Abatement Bamburi Cement contacted Soil Solutions looking for a way to reduce fugitive dust emissions created from the movement of their cement trucks on the access road to the plant. Through discussions and a description of the existing road surface and theRead more →
Durasolution Video - Dust suppressant Durasolution™ is a technologically advanced and highly effective dust suppressant available from Soil Solutions, which continually wets the soil particles. Maximum dust control, and highly effective suppressant for: Open Pit mining roads, Heavily trafficked areas, Underground Areas, Loading bays -- Staging Areas,Read more →
EBS Video - Engineered Base Stabilizer The EBS Soil Stabilizer available from Soil Solutions® has specifically been engineered for all types of soil works. Utilizing an advanced nano adhesion process. EBS has the highest and longest lasting performance of any soil stabilizer. Watch EBS Video...Read more →