During these changing times, something that has not changed is the requirement for Cost-effective Gravel Road Solutions. Whether the solution is to aid in Critical access or provide dust relief for communities, Soil Solutions continues delivering with our innovative product, EBS. A worldwide economic downturn due to lockdowns has further increased the need for cost-effective solutions that reduce maintenance and allow current budgets to deliver 4 x more than traditional asphalt roads.
Furthermore, EBS is completely environmentally friendly, reduces the amount of water use, and is water-resistant therefore reducing the amount of maintenance and ongoing costs.
Our most recent Gravel Road project’s goal was to reduce dust, positively affect the community, and improve the road surface. This project was remotely executed with the Rancho Santana Team and delivered incredible results. An EBS surface seal was used to combat their problems and provide lasting results.
View the full Project Video
Soil Solutions has developed a cost-effective and long term solution for the treatment of gravel roads.
Provided at less than half the cost of Asphalt – The Answer is- Engineered Base Stabilizer ( EBS ) will:
- Provide a hard all-weather surface
- Provide a water-resistant Surface
- The road will be protected from erosion, material loss, cracking, rutting, corrugation and potholes
- The road will have NO DUST
EBS treated roads are available in two options…

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